L Shape 10x10 Kitchen

“Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.”

— Quote Source

Unique Aspects of This Kitchen:

Brand new Acrylic countertops

New Cabinets that are custom-built

Undermount Sink means less grime to scrub away

Taking the upper cabinets to the ceiling gives a finished and refined look

Large Countertop Overhang seating area gives the kids a place to do homework while dinner is getting made

Trash Can Pull out directly across the fridge makes for better workflow

Custom paint color allows control over the feel of the space

The new configuration of the oven and microwave made a huge difference in the client’s usability in their kitchen.

You may notice that the shape of this countertop is impossible to fit through a door way and therefore impossible to carry into a house in one piece. So this means one thing: it must be seamed. In other words, we bring two pieces into the home, and put them together to make the L. Want to see the seam? Check out the Photo below.

The whole job was $23,032. This is a U-Shaped kitchen so an L-shaped would be roughly 30% less assuming they make the same selections.


U Shape


L Shape with Large Island